History: The Grenoble Assembly of the Commons was born in 2017 out of a meeting between members of the Nuit Debout Grenoble Commons Commission, an elected member of Grenoble City Council and several people interested in supporting the emergence of an Assembly of the Commons in the Grenoble region. Since the third assembly organised in 2019, the Assembly of the Commons has been facilitated by the association Next Planning.

Our raison d’être : The Grenoble Assembly of the Commons defines itself as a neutral space for cooperation in the production, development and preservation of the commons by and for citizens. It works to promote and reappropriate the commons so that people can enjoy them, as part of a sustainable and desirable care social model, with a view to preserving all living species and their environments.
Scale of intervention: The Grenoble Assembly of the Commons is involved in numerous initiatives at local, regional and trans-local levels. Members of the assembly have taken part in the European commons Assembly, the commonscamps and the Marseille Assembly of the Commons. In November 2022, we helped organise the assembly of the commons and the possible at Col de Porte.
Agenda 2023 In 2023, we are contributing to the commons assembly process in Lyon, the project to map the land commons, the Isère parliament project and the organisation of the 7th Grenoble Commons Assembly during the Biennial of Cities in Transition which will take place from 8 to 11 June 2023.
Missions of the Grenoble Assembly of the Commons
To lead the life of the AdCG by being the support structure for the commons and thematic working groups (natural, urban, knowledge commons, ….) that share the values and vision defined together. Facilitate these autonomous working groups.
– Raise awareness and popularise the concept of the commons (create appeal).
– Participate in commons networks at supra-local levels.
Approach entities that might recognise themselves in the values and missions of
l’AdCGthe AdCG
– Draw up an inventory of commons in the Grenoble area
– Promote existing initiatives in conjunction with the working groups
– Work to ensure that currency becomes a common asset
– Organise regular events around the commons
– Provide self-training for Assembly members
Information: https://wiki.lescommuns.org/wiki/Grenoble